高效能Web 2.0的7个习惯有哪些?

高效能Web 2.0的7个习惯有哪些?

AjaxWorld杂志主编,Web 2.0权威人士Dion Hinchcliffe在其博客上发表了一篇颇具经典相的大作,感觉值得反复咀嚼。其中的要点是:(有些地方尚未完全理解,愿请教于方家)

  • Ease of Use 易用 is the most important feature of any Web site, Web application, or program.
  • Open up your data 开放数据 as much possible. There is no future in hoarding data, only controlling it.
  • Aggressively add feedback loops to everything. 放手添加反馈环 Pull out the loops that don’t seem to matter and emphasize the ones that give results.
  • Continuous release cycles. 持续发布循环 The bigger the release, the more unwieldy it becomes (more dependencies, more planning, more disruption.) Organic growth is the most powerful, adaptive, and resilient.
  • Make your users part of your software. 使用户成为软件的一分子 They are your most valuable source of content, feedback, and passion. Start understanding social architecture. Give up non-essential control. Or your users will likely go elsewhere.
  • Turn your applications into platforms. 将应用程序转变为平台 An application usually has a single predetermined use, a platform is design to be the foundation of something bigger. Instead of getting a single type of use from your software and data, you might be hundreds or thousands of them.
  • Don’t create social communities just to have them.不要只是为了拥有而创建社区 They aren’t a checklist item. But do empower inspired users to create them.