设置java web start 1.5版本跟踪日志的方法

设置java web start 1.5版本跟踪日志的方法


File Names

The names of the trace and log files are

plugin<modified version number>.trace
plugin<modified version number>.log

where the <modified version number> includes the major, minor and patch version numbers; e.g., plugin142_06.trace or plugin150.log

File Locations

The default location (directory) of the trace and log files is:

  • <user.home>/.java/deployment/log on Unix/Linux
  • <User Application Data Folder>/Sun/Java/Deployment/log on Windows

where <User Application Data Folder> is as defined here.

If the environment variable USER_JPI_PROFILE is set to <user plugin home> then the trace and log files will be written to:

  • <user plugin home>/.java/deployment/log on Unix/Linux
  • <user plugin home>/Sun/Java/Deployment/log on Windows

If the property javaplugin.outputfiles.path is set to <directory name> then the trace and log files will be written to <directory name>.

If both USER_JPI_PROFILE and javaplugin.outputfiles.path are set then the value of javaplugin.outputfiles.path takes precedence, and the trace and log files will be written to <directory name>.

Unique Java Plug-in Property File

The property file is now named deployment.properties. It is located in the directory

<User Application Data Folder>/Sun/Java/Deployment

where <User Application Data Folder> is an application data folder specific to the user. As an example, for a user stanleyh on a Windows XP system, the value of <User Application Data Folder> would be

C:/Documents and Settings/stanleyh/Application Data

This property file is used by version 1.4.2, as well as all later versions.

The value of <User Application Data Folder> is obtained from the Win32 API function call SHGetFolderPath() with CSIDL_APPDATA.