1. IL 基础,什么是IL
2. 最简单的混淆
3. 什么是流程混淆,它的利与弊
4. 反混淆实战 (原理 + 工具篇)
5. 新一代 .NET 代码保护加密工具 MaxtoCode 基本原理
6. 其它保护手段
好,今天我们来讲讲基础 ―― .NET 中的 IL
相信大家都知道不管你使用C#还是VB.NET还是C++ 托管,最后编译出来的都是IL语言程序集。
什么是IL呢,它是一种中间语言字节码,存在于高级语言和机器码的一种中间语言。它的作用就是建立“统一”运行的.NET运行环境,使net 可以跨平台 (不过,从实际情况来看,MS是不会允许net跨平台的,至少3年内不会,甚至更长。其实,跨平台也没什么好的,看看Java,号称一次编译,到运行,结果变成一次编译,到处调试!我就在Windows系统下没见过大量用Java编写的好工具,也许是偶不经常关注它的原因吧!!)。
不好意思,刚刚又跑题了,近来思想老打岔,唉,这是个不好的现象。IL 的格式与汇编语言的格式极为相似,所不同的是,IL语言比汇编语言更加易懂,因为它里面可以直接调用已封装好的Object,而且运行逻辑也与高级语言一致,所以基本上是差不多的。
这段代码没有意义,我只是为了增加运算量,做强度测试的时候再这样写的。我们看看这段代码被译为 IL 将是什么模样。C#的代码对比一下,基本上还是比较清楚的,可能有的朋友已经被ldarg、starg、ldloc、stloc搞糊涂了,呵呵,其实看熟释了就好了,他可比Mov好清楚的多啊,后面所跟的变量所指也比EAX等寄存器清楚的我。

ldarg.<length> - load argument onto the stack
Format |
Assembly Format |
Description |
FE 09 <unsigned int16> |
ldarg num |
Load argument numbered num onto stack. |
0E <unsigned int8> |
ldarg.s num |
Load argument numbered num onto stack, short form. |
02 |
ldarg.0 |
Load argument 0 onto stack |
03 |
ldarg.1 |
Load argument 1 onto stack |
04 |
ldarg.2 |
Load argument 2 onto stack |
05 |
ldarg.3 |
Load argument 3 onto stack |
Stack Transition:
… à …, value
The ldarg num instruction pushes the num’th incoming argument, where arguments are numbered 0 onwards (see PartitionI_alink_partitionI) onto the evaluation stack. The ldarg instruction can be used to load a value type or a built-in value onto the stack by copying it from an incoming argument. The type of the value is the same as the type of the argument, as specified by the current method’s signature.
The ldarg.0, ldarg.1, ldarg.2, and ldarg.3 instructions are efficient encodings for loading any of the first 4 arguments. The ldarg.s instruction is an efficient encoding for loading argument numbers 4 through 255.
For procedures that take a variable-length argument list, the ldarg instructions can be used only for the initial fixed arguments, not those in the variable part of the signature. (See the arglist instruction)
Arguments that hold an integer value smaller than 4 bytes long are expanded to type int32 when they are loaded onto the stack. Floating-point values are expanded to their native size (type F).
Correct CIL guarantees that num is a valid argument index. See Section1.5_1.5_OperandTypeTable for more details on how verification determines the type of the value loaded onto the stack.
starg.<length> - store a value in an argument slot
Format |
Assembly Format |
Description |
FE 0B <unsigned int16> |
starg num |
Store a value to the argument numbered num |
10 <unsigned int8> |
starg.s num |
Store a value to the argument numbered num, short form |
Stack Transition:
… value à …,
The starg num instruction pops a value from the stack and places it in argument slot num (see PartitionI_alink_partitionI). The type of the value must match the type of the argument, as specified in the current method’s signature. The starg.s instruction provides an efficient encoding for use with the first 256 arguments.
For procedures that take a variable argument list, the starg instructions can be used only for the initial fixed arguments, not those in the variable part of the signature.
Storing into arguments that hold an integer value smaller than 4 bytes long truncates the value as it moves from the stack to the argument. Floating-point values are rounded from their native size (type F) to the size associated with the argument.
Correct CIL requires that num is a valid argument slot.
Verification also checks that the verification type of value matches the type of the argument, as specified in the current method’s signature (verification types are less detailed than CLI types).
ldloc - load local variable onto the stack
Format |
Assembly Format |
Description |
FE 0C<unsigned int16> |
ldloc indx |
Load local variable of index indx onto stack. |
11 <unsigned int8> |
ldloc.s indx |
Load local variable of index indx onto stack, short form. |
06 |
ldloc.0 |
Load local variable 0 onto stack. |
07 |
ldloc.1 |
Load local variable 1 onto stack. |
08 |
ldloc.2 |
Load local variable 2 onto stack. |
09 |
ldloc.3 |
Load local variable 3 onto stack. |
Stack Transition:
… à …, value
The ldloc indx instruction pushes the contents of the local variable number indx onto the evaluation stack, where local variables are numbered 0 onwards. Local variables are initialized to 0 before entering the method only if the initialize flag on the method is true (see PartitionI_alink_partitionI). The ldloc.0, ldloc.1, ldloc.2, and ldloc.3 instructions provide an efficient encoding for accessing the first four local variables. The ldloc.s instruction provides an efficient encoding for accessing local variables 4 through 255.
The type of the value is the same as the type of the local variable, which is specified in the method header. See PartitionI_alink_partitionI.
Local variables that are smaller than 4 bytes long are expanded to type int32 when they are loaded onto the stack. Floating-point values are expanded to their native size (type F).
VerificationException is thrown if the the “zero initialize” bit for this method has not been set, and the assembly containing this method has not been granted SecurityPermission.SkipVerification (and the CIL does not perform automatic definite-assignment analysis)
Correct CIL ensures that indx is a valid local index. See Section1.5_1.5_OperandTypeTable for more details on how verification determines the type of a local variable. For the ldloca indx instruction, indx must lie in the range 0 to 65534 inclusive (specifically, 65535 is not valid)
Rationale: The reason for excluding 65535 is pragmatic: likely implementations will use a 2-byte integer to track both a local’s index, as well as the total number of locals for a given method. If an index of 65535 had been made legal, it would require a wider integer to track the number of locals in such a method.
Also, for verifiable code, this instruction must guarantee that it is not loading an uninitialized value – whether that initialization is done explicitly by having set the “zero initialize” bit for the method, or by previous instructions (where the CLI performs definite-assignment analysis)
stloc - pop value from stack to local variable
Format |
Assembly Format |
Description |
FE 0E <unsigned int16> |
stloc indx |
Pop value from stack into local variable indx. |
13 <unsigned int8> |
stloc.s indx |
Pop value from stack into local variable indx, short form. |
0A |
stloc.0 |
Pop value from stack into local variable 0. |
0B |
stloc.1 |
Pop value from stack into local variable 1. |
0C |
stloc.2 |
Pop value from stack into local variable 2. |
0D |
stloc.3 |
Pop value from stack into local variable 3. |
Stack Transition:
…, value à …
The stloc indx instruction pops the top value off the evalution stack and moves it into local variable number indx (see PartitionI_alink_partitionI), where local variables are numbered 0 onwards. The type of value must match the type of the local variable as specified in the current method’s locals signature. The stloc.0, stloc.1, stloc.2, and stloc.3 instructions provide an efficient encoding for the first four local variables; the stloc.s instruction provides an efficient encoding for local variables 4 through 255.
Storing into locals that hold an integer value smaller than 4 bytes long truncates the value as it moves from the stack to the local variable. Floating-point values are rounded from their native size (type F) to the size associated with the argument.
Correct CIL requires that indx is a valid local index. For the stloc indx instruction, indx must lie in the range 0 to 65534 inclusive (specifically, 65535 is not valid)
Rationale: The reason for excluding 65535 is pragmatic: likely implementations will use a 2-byte integer to track both a local’s index, as well as the total number of locals for a given method. If an index of 65535 had been made legal, it would require a wider integer to track the number of locals in such a method.
Verification also checks that the verification type of value matches the type of the local, as specified in the current method’s locals signature.
所有的官方文档皆在:D:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003/SDK/v1.1/Tool Developers Guide/docs。有兴趣的朋友可以阅读一番。