【周四日记】收到Google Adsense信件


信封正面印有Google图标,下面写着Google Adsense Support,紧挨着写到1600 Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View,Ca 94043 USA。信封的正中央写着邮编、收件地址和联系人并盖有邮戳。


Did you know that personalized tips are available to help you earn more with Google Adsense?

Make sure that we can reach you via email:

1、Go to google.com/ads/performancesuggestions and in the Personal settings section,click"edit"

2、Check the box next to "Customized help and performance suggestions"


Yore Google Adsense personal identification number(PIN)

Welcome to google adsense.To enable payment for your account,we kindly ask that you follow these 4 simple:


紧接着是全文最重要的PIN码,用深体写着Your PIN:XXXXXX

最后是感谢的话,Thanks,The Google Adsense Team